The more logos appear on the Supergraphic, the more Marketing Technology kits show up as well. Here is an overview of the MarTech stackers kits on offer for you as a MarTech manager.
For Martech managers, the future is approaching at breakneck speed. Scott Brinker is not only busy adding logos to the Marketing technology landscape. He recently announced a build-your-own Martech landscape kit. He invited everyone to categorize tools in any way they see fit.
That sparked a thought.
Are there more kits out there that make your life a lot easier as a Martech manager?
Well, yes! We found 6 martech stacking kits waiting for you to be explored and used! Find your own favorite below.
#1 Martech tool libraries
Wouldn’t it be nice to know which tools are on offer in each of the Martech Category Boxes® or subcategories?
In addition to using CabinetM.com and Growthverse.com you could use the Google Sheet made available to you here. It is the entire Martech list for 2017. It is there for you to cut-and-paste this data, and to use it as a starting point for your own research.
#2 Build-your-own Martech landscape kit
This build-your-own Martech landscape kit is fun for the whole office. There’s room for all Martech vendors. This build-your-own landscape represents a significant breakthrough in PR and analyst relations.
The Martech landscape PowerPoint file is in single-player mode, but it’s more fun as a team activity. As the Martech master prescribes: “Bring in a large group from your marketing department together for a mandatory marathon, 48-hour weekend offsite to render your own grand vision of the Martech industry.”
Add your own Martech Category Box® and become a world leader in that Category in no-time. Become the Martech Analyst you always wanted to be!
Download here https://chiefmartec.com/2018/03/build-your-own-Martech-landscape/

#3 Build-your-own Martech stack Org canvas kit
This Martech canvas helps you to put your tools in the background of your marketing organization, strategy and tactics. You can run your entire marketing department with it, as a kind of visual marketing Operating System (mOS).
The canvas kit has been tested with a marketing team and CMOs since early 2016. The basic idea was to integrate all aspects of marketing in one ecosystem. Connect goals, org and stacks, so to speak.
We discovered two core elements that all 110 martech stackies (2015, 2016, 2017) have in common. Also, new valuable Martech ideas like the Martech Grand view from Scott Brinker and ‘marketing as the growth engines from Mayur Gupta were used to shape this martech org canvas.
In essence, every stackie has two main dimensions.
- The Funnel dimension. Main keywords used are: attract, acquisition, engage, nurture, convert, loyalty, advocacy, etc.
- The Function dimension. Think of keywords like analytics, data, demand generation, productivity, communications, collaboration, etc.
Read more: http://martechtribe.com/blog/martech-marketing-technology-stack-canvas/

Internet Solutions from South Africa applied the canvas this way.
Read more https://chiefmartec.com/2017/10/12-org-stacks-reveal-people-process-technology-triangle-Martech/
#4 Build-your-own Martech stack canvas kit
Combining the approaches of the build-your-own Martech landscape kit and the Martech stack canvas, results in a new Martech stack canvas.
Just use the stack canvases offered in this article. You can use the existing Martech Category Boxes or subcategories, or add your own!

This is what it looks like! Again, credits to Internet Solutions from South Africa ;)

#5 Build-your-own Martech stack infographic kit
Now that you are at it, wouldn’t it be nice to know which tools are the most popular for each of the Martech Category Box® or subcategories?
Have a read here: What Are The Most Popular Martech Tools According To 110 Stackies?
When you’ve read the blog post, you probably want to know how your tools compare to all the other martech stackies.
We’ve made a survey that does not only generate your stack automatically, it also tells you what sub-categories you missed, which categories are overrepresented, how mature your stack is, and what tools are worth checking out to complete your stack. All you need to do is check some boxes, and you’ll receive a report in your inbox within minutes.
Be honest, that’s pretty impressive, right?
Have a go now! https://goo.gl/forms/uWQWuPaLquLUEMqx1
#6 The Martech Stack Designer Canvas
Pssst, the #5 martech infographic kit is 100% developer free, all its tools together cost only $24 a month. It was designed using the, you guessed it, last item on the Martech Stackers Kits list.
Designing a martech stackie works best when you support a real life use case. Designing use cases is less complicated than you think. It comes down to a simple IPO model. IPO stands for Input, Process, and Output. Regardless of the subcategories you always need to input - process and output leads, data, assets, content, tweets, projects, dollars, etc. This tool allows you to design the steps, the roles and tools.
This is what the principle looks like when applied to Digital Asset Management (DAM): 4 DAM Stacks Under 100$ Per Month, And How To Build Them
And this is what the it looks like when applied to the martech infographics stackie

Ready to start stacking yourself? https://goo.gl/qswkY7