The Technology Hype Cycle
Discover everything you need to know about the Technology Hype Cycle.
How the Hype Cycle entered your company
How the Hype Cycle helps to grow technology abilities
The Hype Cycle is an emotional roller coaster
How the Hype Cycle grows four technology competences
Read the 24 Hype Cycle signs at the coffee machine
How the Hype Cycle tells you when to buy or build
Use the Hype Cycle to best invest in customer technology
Riding the Hype Cycle is to master Five Maturity Levels
Automate any Customer Journey in three steps
Productize Marketing in three steps
Three building blocks to craft any customer experience
How to use Best-of-Content, Best-of-Data and Best-of-Content
Hack, Pack and Stack any marketing use case or customer journey
Which of the four team approaches to use, when
Defining your Problem-, Product-, and Platform-Market fit
When to use PoC, MVP, Prototype?
Prepare your marketing and IT to ride the hype cycle
Grow your business
Find the solution that best fits your Martech stack and CX challenges.